Rehaviva CRECE
Intelligent information system for the development of scalable urban regeneration and rehabilitation opportunity scenarios.
The main objective of the project is the design and development of an Intelligent Information System, REHAVIVA CRECE, conceived for the generation and evaluation of the impact of business opportunity scenarios for the rehabilitation of buildings.
The system, integrated into the REHAVIVA platform, compiles and aggregates data from multiple sources, processes them to generate scenarios, performs impact calculations, and enables visualization and analysis for different user profiles. Therefore, it allows from citizen consultation to the facilitation of decision making by Public Administrations and companies.

Granting Authority, Financing and Solicitation
- Call: Order of October 9, 2021 of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, co-financed by the European funds Next Generation EU.
- Regulatory bases: Order ICT/1117/2021, of October 9. File number: AEI - 010500 - 2021 b - 157
- Budget: €561,976
- Grant: 449,578.00 €.
- Participating entities: TECNARA, ICCL, MOVICODERS, CROLEC and AEICE.