
Movicoders is a company dedicated to design, develop and deliver high quality software that meets the needs of customers, promoting continuous improvement and fostering a collaborative and motivating work environment for our employees. Management considers that quality is an essential factor for the company’s success and that each person in the organization is responsible for the function he/she performs.

Our priority objective is to ensure that the products/services supplied will meet all legal and regulatory requirements, as well as the requirements established by our customers and stakeholders.

This objective must be maintained over time, and to this end, three fundamental lines of action have been established:

  • Customer oriented, understanding and anticipating the needs of our customers. Always trying to exceed the expectations of quality, reliability and efficiency.
  • Continuous improvement, implementing a systematic approach to the improvement of our processes, products and services.
  • Commitment of all personnel, providing continuous training and professional development. In addition, the company is committed to providing a safe and motivating work environment.

Aware that in order to achieve our objective we need a Management System that serves as a reference, we implemented the Quality System based on the UNE-EN ISO 9001 Standard, which will be complied with according to the following guidelines:

  • Study the Context of the organization, identifying the interested parties, as well as their needs and expectations, collaborating together to adapt our work to them and achieve their satisfaction.
  • Implement the necessary corrective actions and/or action plans to minimize or eliminate possible nonconformities.
  • Encourage the commitment of all members of the company to our quality policy, attributing the appropriate responsibilities to each person in relation to his or her job and competencies.
  • To continuously review and improve the effectiveness of this Management System, in order to adapt it to the purposes of our organization.
  • Minimization and prevention of contamination.
  • Compliance with legal, environmental and other requirements.

At Movicoders we are committed to offer quality services, to achieve the maximum satisfaction of our customers, ensuring the continuous improvement of our processes and counting on the collaboration and participation of all the company’s personnel.

We are demanding, we cannot be otherwise, and we consider this demand to be our differentiating factor.

The Management System and the policy are implemented and maintained thanks to the effort and involvement of all the organization’s personnel, for all its departments and/or sections and at any level. To ensure compliance, Management is committed to providing the human, material and economic resources necessary for the correct performance of our activity. This Policy will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and is available to all interested parties.

Movicoders Management

Version: v1.0 Revision date: 07/06/2024